Rust macros are not just about DRY
Or how to win the "I think we should use a macro here" argument.
Or how to win the "I think we should use a macro here" argument.
In this blog post I'll talk about my story about enabling the Apache Flink project to use the new JUnit 5 features, including parallel execution, parametrized tests and extensions, and how they're going to help us improve our test codebase.
In this blog post I want to introduce you to some important steps forward we made in our Extending Kubernetes API In-Process project. We implemented an high level watch ABI, we made the host asynchronous, we invoke the controllers only on-demand without wasting resources and we finally use the full-fledged kube-runtime to create the controllers.
In this blog post I'm gonna show you how I managed to reduce the container image size of an Eclipse Vert.x application, creating a smaller JDK with jdeps and jlink.
Today I'm going to introduce you an idea Markus Thömmes and I had to package, deploy and operate Kubernetes controllers in a modern and efficient way that may have a fundamental impact on the Kubernetes ecosystem.
Today I'm going to talk you about how I've managed to run a benchmark inside Kubernetes in a reproducible manner
Today I'm going to bootstrap the project starting from the contract I have already created in the previous chapter. The aim of this chapter is to show you Vert.x Web, Vert.x Web API Contract and Vert.x Web API Service
In this second chapter of Debts Manager Tutorial I would like to show you how I have designed the REST API of Debts Manager. I'm going to follow the API First approach, documenting all aspects of the API Design with OpenAPI 3.
Some months ago I decided to create a complete Vert.x application to show you capabilities of Vert.x for building Web APIs and, at the same time, I wanted to try some patterns I never used or applied. I'm going to create a production ready application to finally manage the debts with my house mate with a fully powered Vert.x application!
Write beautiful async assertions with Vert.x Futures and Vert.x JUnit 5