Software Engineer at Restate
First employee of Restate, designing the programming model and DevEx.
Software Engineer at Ververica
Joined the Apache Flink SQL team, developing the SQL parser, planner, optimizer and runtime.
Software Engineer at Red Hat
Joined the Openshift Cloud Functions team to focus on Serverless technologies and Event Driven FaaS applications, with a particular focus on Knative and CloudEvents
BSc IT Engineering at Politecnico di Milano
Software Engineer Intern at Red Hat
Joined in Vert.x team in Red Hat to help development and maintenance of different Vert.x stack components, in particular, related to Vert.x Web. I worked on a research project, involving the community, aimed to improve the developer experience of our APIs, with a particular focus on API Gateways use case. I also did different improvements to our code generator for various language integrations.
IT Engineer Intern at Credimi SPA
Joined in tech team of Credimi SPA, working with Scala, Akka, Lagom, Apache Kafka & Camunda
Vert.x Module Mantainer
Joined in Eclipse Vert.x Organization as module mantainer of vertx-web-api-contract and related packages. Contributed to a various components of the project, in particular Service Proxies and Codegen
GSoC student for Eclipse Vert.X organization
OpenAPI 3 / RAML integration inside vertx-web framework (for more info check out project page
Started studies as IT Engineer in Politecnico di Milano
Robocup Jr. 2016 Management System
Team leader and backend developer of project. This project goal was provide a centralized points management system for Robocup Jr. competitions. Judges used tablets to submit team points inside database through Node.JS/Express backend. Then points and ranks were shown with an Angular.JS web application